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About Us

Welcome to Aquarium Water Treatments!

Hey there, fellow fish enthusiasts! I’m John S, and I’m thrilled to share my passion for fishkeeping with you. With over 15 years of experience under my belt, I’ve swum through the highs and lows of aquarium maintenance, and I’m here to make your aquatic journey as smooth as possible.

At Aquarium Water Treatments, we believe in creating a vibrant, healthy, and safe environment for our finned friends. Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned aquarist, we’ve got tips, tricks, and expert advice to keep your aquarium sparkling and your fish thriving.

Our mission is simple: to provide you with the best information and resources to ensure your aquarium is a healthy haven. From tackling tricky algae issues to finding the perfect balance of water parameters, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Dive into our articles, explore our guides, and join our community of passionate fishkeepers. Let’s make your aquarium the best it can be, together!

Happy fishkeeping!

John S
Founder, Aquarium Water Treatments